天文学教室 談話会


  第1797回 天文学教室談話会

2024年10月15日(火) 16:15-17:15

Title: From dust grains to planetesimals: collisional growth aided by hydrodynamic instability in protoplanetary disks
Speaker: Ryosuke Tominag 冨永遼佑 (Institute of Science Tokyo 東京科学大学)
Language: Japanese

Collisional growth of dust grains in a protoplanetary disk is the key step in planet formation, especially in formation of kilometer-sized objects called planetesimals. Planetesimals are the building blocks of planets, and thus it is important to understand how and how efficiently planetesimals form. Previous studies have shown that dust growth stalls because of fragmentation and/or depletion through radial drift, which prevents planetesimal formation. As an alternative mechanism, dust clumping due to hydrodynamic instabilities was proposed. Potential instabilities include streaming instability. It is expected that resulting clumps are so massive that they collapse self-gravitationally and form planetesimals. However, the required dust size is larger than the size at which the dust growth is expected to stall. To bridge this gap, we examined dust growth through moderate-level clumping which should take place before the massive clump formation. We conducted local simulations of streaming instability and measured collision timescales of dust grains. The results showed that dust grains can grow large enough for the efficient dust clumping to occur. I will also discuss how much this process relaxes the condition of planetesimal formation.



  • 10/29 安藤誠 (国立天文台)
  • 11/12 佐藤寿紀 (明治大学)




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