高山正輝 (天文学教室)
OGLEやMACHOプロジェクトによって、大小マゼラン星雲では多くのred giant variablesが見つかってきた。その結果少なくともsequence A’~Fまでの8本(8系列)の周期光度関係が存在することが明らかになっている(e.g. Soszynski+ 2013)。異なる系列は変光の起源の違いを反映し、周期の短い6本の系列は星の脈動が起源の変光である。一方周期のばらつきが大きいsequence Eは食連星やellipsoidal variablesが起源である。最も長周期のsequence Dの周期はlong secondary periods(LSPs)と呼ばれ、その変光の原因は未だにわかっていない。
最近の研究で、LSP星の中には普通のred gaintよりも中間赤外で超過を見せるものが見つかった(Wood&Nicolls 2009)。このことは星周ダストの存在を示しているかもしれない。一方自転する星の黒点による変光は、そのlight curveとamplitudeがLSP starのものとよく似ているものが見つかっている(Soszynski&Udalski 2014)。今回はIRSF/SIRIUS camera(J, H, Ks band)で2001年~2012年の間に観測された小マゼラン星雲のデータと、OGLEのI, V bandのデータを併せ、可視・近赤外でのLSPの性質を調べると共に、周期的な星周ダストの生成による減光、またrotating spotted starという二通りの仮説を立て、LSPの変光を説明出来るか検証した。
Precise and fast computation of generalized Fermi-Dirac integral by parameter polynomial approximation
The generalized Fermi-Dirac integral, $F_k(\eta,\beta)$, is approximated by a group of polynomials of $\beta$ as $F_k(\eta,\beta) \approx \sum_{j=0}^J g_j \beta^j F_{k+j} (\eta)$ where $J=1(1)10$. Here $F_k(\eta)$ is the Fermi-Dirac integral of order $k$ while $g_j$ are the numerical coefficients of the single and double precision minimax polynomial approximations of the generalization factor as $\sqrt{1+x/2} \approx \sum_{j=0}^J g_j x^j$. If $\beta$ is not so large, an appropriate combination of these approximations computes $F_k(\eta,\beta)$ precisely when $\eta$ is too small to apply the optimally truncated Sommerfeld expansion (Fukushima, 2014, Appl. Math. Comp., 234, 417). For example, a degree 8 single precision polynomial approximation guarantees the 24 bit accuracy of $F_k(\eta,\beta)$ of the orders, $k=-1/2(1)5/2$, when $-\infty < \eta \le 8.92$ and $\beta \le 0.2113$. Also, a degree 7 double precision polynomial approximation assures the 15 digit accuracy of $F_k(\eta,\beta)$ of the same orders when $-\infty < \eta \le 29.33$ and $0 \le \beta \le 3.999 \times 10^{-3}$. Thanks to the piecewise minimax rational approximations of $F_k(\eta)$ (Fukushima, 2015, Appl. Math. Comp., 259, 708), the averaged CPU time of the new method is only 0.9--1.4 times that of the evaluation of the integrand of $F_k(\eta,\beta)$. Since most of $F_k(\eta)$ are commonly used in the approximation of $F_k(\eta,\beta)$ of multiple contiguous orders, the simultaneous computation of $F_k(\eta,\beta)$ of these orders is further accelerated by the factor 2--4. As a result, the new method runs 70-450 times faster than the direct numerical integration in practical applications requiring $F_k(\eta, \beta)$.
Magnetic fields of cosmic bodies generated and maintained by dynamos
Karl-Heinz Raedler (Astrophysical Institute Potsdam, Germany)
The focus of the lecture is on the mean-field dynamo theory of cosmic magnetic fields. The central element of this theory is the mean electromotive force due to the velocity and magnetic field fluctuations in turbulent electrically conducting fluids, which depends in general in a nonlinear way on the mean velocity and the mean magnetic field. Within this framework several types of dynamo models applying to cosmic objects have been developed. Considerable progress has been achieved in the last years in determining the mean electromotive force in realistic situations and so in the elaboration of mean-field dynamo models.
安藤真一郎 (アムステルダム大学)
The Shape and Survival of High-velocity Clouds
Gerhard Hensler(ウィーン大)
Since several decades it became observationally manifested that our Milky Way (MW) is steadily bombarded by infalling gas clouds over a large velocities range. For those with velocities lower than the MW escape velocity their origin is still under debate, if of galactic origin as a fountain or intergalactic.
In fact, high-velocity clouds (HVCs) must originate from the intergalactic space. Various questions can be addressed to these HVCs from cosmological to plasmaphysical problems.
Since these infalling extragalactic clouds contain highly subsolar metallicity they could represent the cosmological building blocks which assemble to larger galaxies in the hierarchical structure-formation scenario of CDM cosmology. But then they are expected to be hosted by Dark Matter (DM) subhalos. From the Magellanic Stream, on the other hand, HVCs are stripped off and rain down towards the MW which cannot contain DM. How can one distinguish between DM-supported and DM-free HVCs? What can we learn from their shapes and metal content? Do HVCs passing the hot galactic halo gas survive and reach the MW disk?
This talk will address these problems by numerical models in comparison with observed HVCs and will discuss consequences for our astrophysical understanding.
林 航平 (東大 Kavli IPMU)
1<z<2における銀河の低温ガス量の進化: ガスを残しつつ星形成を止めるフィードバックの必要性
多くの銀河形成モデルは観測される銀河の星質量関数を再現するように、星形成の直接的材料である低温ガスを加熱・吹き飛ばすフィードバックを入れている。そのような銀河形成モデルが、観測される銀河の低温ガスの量も再現しているか検証した。その結果、10^10-11 Msunの星質量範囲では観測と一致するが、低質量・大質量側では、低温ガスの量を過小評価していることが明らかになった。このことは、銀河形成モデルにおけるフィードバックが効きすぎていること、ガスを残しつつ星形成を止めるプロセスの必要性を示唆している。本講演では、上述した研究と関連する最近の研究も合わせて紹介する。
Gauging the Universe with Classical Cepheids: from galactic structures to the cosmic acceleration
Laura Inno
Classical Cepheids are the most precise stellar distance indicators to date: they play a fundamental role in the calibration of the cosmic distance ladder and in the determination of the local expansion rate of the Universe. However, we still lack a firm understanding and control of the systematics affecting the Cepheid distance estimates. In this talk, I will review the physics underlying the Cepheid Period-Luminosity (PL) and Period-Wesenheit (PW) relations, which are generally adopted to determine Cepheid distances. In particular, I will show that near-infrared (NIR) PW relations are reddening independent, minimally affected by metallicity, and linear over the entire period range, with a very low dispersion. These relations are then the best suited tool to derive Cepheid distances to high precision. For this reason, we recently developed new light-curve templates that provide accurate mean magnitudes form single-epoch observations in the NIR bands. By applying these new templates and by adopting the PW we derived, it is possible to obtain Cepheids distances with an accuracy which is only limited by the method itself. I will then discuss an application of the templates to IRSF/SIRIUS data for Magellanic Cloud Cepheids, in order to derive the geometry and the three-dimensional distribution of the young stellar populations of the Magellanic Clouds, as prototype of interacting dwarf galaxies. Cepheids are indeed perfect tracers of the young stellar population, because their evolutionary status is well known and their age can be precisely determined on the basis of period-age relations. This feature, together with their use as standard candles, make Cepheids a perfect tool to probe the Galactic structure and to provide constraints on the recent Galactic chemo-dynamical evolution. I will then present the main results on this topics recently obtained by our group. Finally, I will discuss the major role that Cepheids are going to play in the light of GAIA, not only for our understanding of the Milky Way but also for establishing the nature of the Universe itself.
高本 亮 (東大 地球惑星科学専攻)
宇宙では相対論的速度を持つ様々な高エネルギー天体現象が知られており、観測・理論の双方から盛んに研究が行われている。特にAGN jetやガンマ線バースト、パルサーなどは光速の99%を超える速度を持つプラズマが付随していることが観測から示されているが、その加速機構は未だ解明されていない。近年ブラックホールや中性子星などの中心エンジンの研究から、これらの天体は電磁場優勢のoutflowを駆動する事が明らかになってきている。しかし理論から示唆される速度は観測で示唆される値よりも遥かに小さく、電磁場に蓄えられたエネルギーをプラズマの運動エネルギーに変換することが必要だが、十分な早さで磁場を散逸出来る物理機構は未だ不明確である。
The Planck 2015 release: general overview of the Planck results and news from the CMB at large angular scales
Anna Mangilli (パリ天体物理研究所・フランス)
Planck is the ESA telescope that surveyed with unprecedented precision the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), providing with the highest resolution measurements so far of the CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies. In this talk I will go through a brief introduction about the CMB -in particular the CMB polarization- and I will give an overview of the Planck 2015 results, focusing on the improvement of the constraints on the cosmological parameters thanks to the new full mission and polarization data. Also, I will give the status of the Planck analysis on the CMB at large angular scales. The high precision measurement of the CMB polarization at large angular scales is in fact one of the main challenge left for the present and the future CMB experiments. The reionization bump in the CMB polarization EE and BB power spectra encodes unique informations about the reionization history of the Universe and the inflationary epoch. Such valuable information can be accessed only with an unprecedented accuracy and care on each step of the data analysis and its interpretation. I will show how the EE and BB spectra at low-l can be used to improve the constraints on the cosmological parameters, in particular those related to the reionization history (tau) and the amount of tensor modes (r).
Ana Lopez Sepulcre (東京大学・物理学専攻)
Broadband spectral-line surveys of star-forming regions: unveiling all the molecular secrets
The past few years have witnessed a huge progress in the development of sensitive broadband (sub-)millimetre receivers, especially at single-dish telescopes. Thanks to this, it is now possible to carry out large spectral-line surveys that homogeneously cover tens and even hundreds of GHz in modest amounts of time, thus providing a unique, very powerful, tool to explore the molecular composition of the region under study. As a result, a new and very promising road in molecular astrophysics is opening, in particular in star formation research. I will introduce two recent large observational campaigns I am taking part in, ASAI and CHESS, entirely based on broadband spectral-line surveys of star-forming regions, and I will illustrate the huge potential of this approach with some selected results on complex organics, molecular ions, and isotopic anomalies. Finally, I will briefly introduce the importance of applying this technique also with (sub-)millimetre interferometers, where the (hopefully near) future of unbiased spectral-line surveys lies.
2000年代以降、人類史上最高の空間分解能が電波の波長域におけるVLBI技術によって達成され、太陽近傍($\sim$100~pc)に限られていた位置天文研究が(e.g., Hipparcos衛星, Perryman 1989)、銀河系円盤サイズ($\sim$20~kpc)まで拡張された。\\本講演では、VLBI位置天文観測の原理を簡単に紹介すると共に(e.g., Reid and Honma 2014)、特に銀河系渦状腕に関する位置天文観測の結果を紹介する(Sakai et al. 2012)。また、銀河系渦状腕で見られた系統的な非円運動を説明する為に、密度波理論(Lin and Shu 1964)に準拠した解析解との比較も行ったので、それらの結果も併せて紹介する(Sakai et al. 2015)。今後10年はGaia衛星による星の位置天文観測の結果も新たに加わり、銀河系位置天文研究が大きく進展する事が期待される。最後に時間が許せば、Gaia時代における銀河系位置天文研究の展望をご紹介したい。
Future Observational Prospects at Thermal-IR Wavelengths and The AGN Torus
Chris Packham(The University of Texas at San Antonio)
A thermal-infrared imager and spectrometer is being investigated for possible construction in the early operation of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). Combined with the mid-infrared adaptive optics (AO) system (MIRAO), the instrument will afford $\sim 15$~times higher sensitivity and $\sim 4$~times better spatial resolution (0.07$^{\prime\prime}$) with a greatly improved and stable Strehl ratio at 10~$\mu$m compared to the images delivered by 8m-class telescopes. Through exploiting the large collecting area of the TMT, a high-dispersion spectroscopy mode unrivaled by other ground- and space-based facilities is planned. Such capabilities offer the possibility for breakthrough science, as well as ‘workhorse’ observing modes of imaging and low/moderate spectral resolution. In this presentation I detail the approach we followed to initially define the instrument and some of the science cases enabled, with a particular focus on the AGN torus.
The Dust Properties of the Nearby Universe, in the Herschel Era
Frederic Galliano(Service d’Astrophysique – Laboratoire AIM)
The electromagnetic emission from a galaxy contains information about the variety of physical conditions experienced in its interstellar medium. In star forming regions, particularly, most of the power is reradiated by dust grains in the infrared. The knowledge of the grain properties (their chemical composition, size distribution and abundances) is therefore crucial to interpret observations of star forming galaxies, nearby and distant. However, these dust properties are known to evolve with their environment, and this evolution is currently poorly constrained. In this talk, I will review several studies, based on Herschel observations of nearby galaxies, aimed at constraining several of these evolutionary processes.
After a general introduction, I will first discuss the general evolution of the dust content of galaxies, as a function of their elemental enrichment, comparing recent observations and theoretical models. Then, I will present the revision of the grain opacities that Herschel and Planck allowed us to reveal, in the Large Magellanic Cloud and in the Milky Way. Finally, I will present the modeling of spectral energy distributions with hierarchical Bayesian inference, and demonstrate its relevance for the study of infrared observations. I will show the application of this technique to derive maps of the dust properties in two massive star forming regions of the Magellanic clouds (LMC-N44 and SMC-N66).
A new distance measure using the correlation between CO luminosity and its line width
Does the dark energy vary over cosmic time? To answer this question, we need to map the expansion of the Universe over a large span of the cosmic time. Type Ia supernovae have been used to measure distances to $z \sim 1.7$, but beyond this, no reliable distance measure has been established. We propose a new distance measure using sub-millimeter (submm) galaxies to determine distances out to $z \sim 6$. Using a large sample of submm galaxies compiled from the literature, we show there exists a significant correlation between the CO luminosity ($L^\prime _{\rm CO}$) and the CO line width (FWHM) of submm galaxies. We use this correlation to measure intrin- sic luminosity of submm galaxies, based on the observed FWHM. Through comparison with their observed brightness, we measure their luminosity distance, and construct the Hubble diagram to $z \sim 6$. Submm galaxies are detected all across the history of the Universe, including some at $z>6$. With the advent of ALMA, it is expected that large numbers of distant submm galaxies will be discovered in the near future. This method is suitable for such an era, providing a new opportunity to constrain the earliest cosmic expansion. (http://arxiv.org/abs/1505.00013).
The evolution of stellar rotation
恒星の回転は、化学組成の特異な恒星の形成、また、爆発現象などとの関連で注目され、恒星進化への影響が長年研究されてきた。しかしながら、恒星内部における角運動量輸送機構およびそれに伴う物質混合機構とその効率についての理論的な理解の不備のために明確な結論は得られ ていないのが現状である。とりわけ、最近の日震学、星震学によってもたらされた内部回転則についての情報は現行の理論の欠陥を剔抉してい る。一方、恒星の回転は、角運動量の分布のみならず慣性モーメント(MOI) にも依存する。むし ろ、内部構造の変動に伴うMOIの変化は、回転状態を変え、角運動量の輸送を誘起するという意味では、より基本的な役割を担っていると考えられる。ここでは、慣性能率の進化の分析に基づいて回転星の進化を構成、現行の理論モデルに対するalternativeな方法とその結果を紹介する。観測との関連では、Be星などの高速回転星への進化、Kepler衛星による星震学の成果との対応について取り上げる。また、回転星における物質混合の可能性についても議論する。
Binary systems at high energies
Daniela Hadasch(東大・宇宙線研究所)
The small source class of gamma-ray binaries consists at present of six known objects with different orbital periods ranging from days up to several years. One of the best studied gamma-ray binary across all frequencies, LS I +61 303, is highly variable at any given orbital phase and was lately discovered to show on top of orbital also superorbital variability at high energies. In contrary, the other famous binary, LS 5039, shows no variations apart from those related to the orbital period. The other unresolved mystery in most of these sources is the nature of their compact object. Both neutron star (e.g. PSR B1259-63) and probable black hole (microquasar, e.g., Cyg X-3) binary systems have been detected at GeV energies, hence both types of compact object are viable in the undetermined systems. In this talk I will present the recent findings on the known gamma-ray binaries up to now and discuss their behavior at high and very high energies.
Combining IRIS/Hinode observations and modelling: a pathfinder for coronal heating
Patrick Antolin (国立天文台)
The combination of imaging and spectroscopic instruments with multiple temperature diagnostics at high spatial, temporal and spectral resolution can allow to recover the 3D plasma flow and thermodynamic evolution associated to specific coronal heating mechanisms. Although very hard considering the complexity of the solar atmosphere, this approach is becoming possible now through combination of instruments such as IRIS and Hinode, and with proper guiding from advanced numerical simulations and forward modelling. In this talk I will focus on a particular example of this approach, a recently published case study, that serves as a pathfinder in the search for the dominant coronal heating mechanism. In this case, resonant absorption, a long hypothesised wave-related energy conversion mechanism is spotted in action for the first time, and is characterised by a peculiar 3D motion of the plasma. With the help of 3D MHD numerical simulations and forward modelling the observational signatures of resonant absorption are characterised, matching very well the observational results. The process through which this mechanism can lead to observed significant heating in the solar corona is further identified: the resonant flow becomes turbulent, following dynamic instabilities, and heats the plasma. I will show how this resonance and instability dual process is expected in different scenarios of the solar atmosphere (the corona, prominences and spicules) and can potentially explain several observed features that remain so far unexplained.
Surface chemistry in astrochemical models
Emeric Bron (パリ天文台)
With the advent of the new generation of mm and sub-mm detectors (ALMA, NOEMA), molecules are detected in a large variety of galactic and extra-galactic interstellar environments. These molecules are unique probes to investigate the physical and chemical processes in interstellar gas and on grains. State-of-the-art astrochemical models have to take into account consistently both gas phase and surface chemistry to interpret observations and, to do so, they must rely on theoretical and laboratory experiments results. However, surface chemistry is complex to implement in astrophysical codes, in which grain models are necessarily simplified.
We have implemented surface chemistry for H, C, and O bearers in a new version of the Meudon PDR code, one of the state-of-the-art public astrochemical code (http://ism.obspm.fr). In particular, H2 formation on grains is a complex process, highly dependent on grain temperature. Small grains, the largest contributors, undergo temperature fluctuations caused by the absorption of UV photons. These fluctuations can significantly affect surface processes, such as H2 formation or ortho/para conversion of H2. We have thus developed several formalisms to simulate H2 formation mechanisms on grains in the Meudon PDR code. In particular, I have developed a new statistical formalism based on a master equation approach to compute the average efficiency of surface processes perturbed by fluctuations of the grain temperature.
In this talk, I will first demonstrate the critical influence of H2 formation on emission lines in PDR, and in particular show that the high-J CO ladders observed by Herschel are signatures of high H2 formation efficiency at the edge of PDRs. I will discuss how this efficiency can be explained by the Eley-Rideal mechanism. I will then present a new stochastic formalism for surface processes with dust temperature fluctuations, and demonstrate its application to both H2 formation and ortho-para conversion of H2 on grains, in relation to observations of H2 rotational emission in PDRs. I will finally discuss how the relation between H3+ abundance and the cosmic ray ionization rate in the Galactic Center is highly dependant on H2 formation efficiency.If time allows, I will also present the modelling of C and O surface chemistry in the Meudon PDR code, in relation to observations of organic molecules such as methanol in the Horsehead nebula.
大栗真宗 (物理学専攻/RESCEU/Kavli IPMU)
重力レンズ現象により超新星が複数に分裂されて観測される現象は1964年に予言されていましたがその稀少さゆえにこれまで発見されてきませんでした。 しかしながら最近になって超新星重力レンズの発見が相次いで報告され、 超新星重力レンズ天文学がいよいよ幕を開けました。本講演では、 私の理論研究を交えつつまず超新星重力レンズの面白い点や応用例を議論し、 その後発見が報告された二つの超新星重力レンズPS1-10afxとSN Refsdalの 観測と解析の現状を報告します。
Probing the nature of the compact object in the gamma-ray binaries
森谷友由希 (Kavli IPMU)
The gamma-ray binaries, the recently identified subclass of the X-ray binaries, show variable emissions in the wide range band, from radio to the TeV gamma-rays. Currently, 5 systems are classified as the gamma-ray binaries, among which 4 systems have the compact object of unknown nature, whilst their optical counterparts are well-known as massive stars (M > 10 M_sun). There are two competing models, the pulsar wind model and the microquasar model, is proposed to explain the gamma-ray binaries. Although a plenty of both theoretical and observational studies have been done, the nature of the compact object is still under discussion for four systems. Hence the mechanisms for particle acceleration and very high energetic emissions are still one of the big challenge of the this field. We have monitored two gamma-ray binaries, LS I +61 303 and HESS J0632+057, to probe the nature of the compact object. The optical counterpart in the two systems is a Be star, a B-type star with geometrically thin circumstellar disk. We focus on the interaction between the optical star, in particular the circumstellar disk, and the compact object, which effects on the structure of the disk. Our high-dispersion spectroscopic and polarimetric monitoring shows the evidence for that the compact object is pulsar in these systems.
Near-infrared diffuse interstellar bandsの観測的研究
濱野哲史 (京都産業大学・神山天文台)
星間ガス雲背景星の紫外?近赤外スペクトルに検出される吸収線 “Diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs)” は、多くの観測的証拠からPAHやフラーレンといった有機分子による電子遷移であると考えられている。DIBキャリアを有機分子の吸収線として同定できれば、その観測から星間空間における有機分子の性質や反応過程が明らかになると期待されている。2015年7月にはDIBキャリア分子同定の初の成功例が報告され、0.96μm付近のDIBがフラーレン陽イオン(C60+)の吸収線として同定された(Campbell et al. 2015)。
現在われわれは京都産業大学神山天文台の荒木 1.3m 望遠鏡に搭載されている近赤外線高分散分光器「WINERED」を用いて、「近赤外線DIB」の観測的研究を進めている。近赤外線域のDIBは従来の近赤外分光器の性能や大気吸収線の問題でほとんど未開拓であったが、WINEREDの波長カバレッジである0.91<λ<1.35μmの波長域において、過去検出されていた5本のDIBに加えて新たに15本のDIBを発見することに成功した(Hamano et al. 2015)。本講演では、われわれが進めている近赤外線DIBの探査、およびそれによって発見された近赤外線DIBの性質・環境依存性について、最近の研究成果を紹介する。
Stellar Dynamics Informing Stellar Evolution
Harvey Richer (University of British Columbia)
Using recent Hubble Space Telescope data, I will demonstrate in this talk how to use stellar dynamics in a globular star cluster to learn about stellar evolution. The key element is to use the radial distributions of stars in various stages of evolution to learn about their mass. A few surprises are presented.
谷川衝 (総合文化研究科・広域科学専攻)
Ia型超新星(SNIa)は炭素酸素からなる白色矮星(COWD)の爆発である. しかし, その爆発の引き金が, 主系列星や赤色巨星からの質量降着(SDシナリオ)か, 別のCOWD との合体(DDシナリオ)か, 決着がついていない. 近年, SN2011feやSN2014Jの爆発直後の光度曲線が観測されており, その親星の大きさに強い制限が課された. 親星の半径を考える際に注意する必要があるのは,親星の星周物質も親星の半径として寄与することである. 我々はDDシナリオを星周物質の観点から検証した. 星周物質の構造を調べるために, 我々はSPHシミュレーションを用いて, 質量が1.1太陽質量と1.0太陽質量の2つのCOWDの合体を追った. その結果, 合体の前後でこの系は爆発するが, 爆発直前の星周物質の構造は, SN2011feやSN2014Jの星周物質の構造には合わない可能性があることが明らかになった. 最後に, 現在開発中のSPHシミュレーションコードを紹介し, そのコードを適用できるサイエンスについて紹介する.
久徳浩太郎 (理化学研究所)
N-body simulations of stellar systems: star clusters and disk galaxies
藤井通子 (天文学教室)
N-body simulations are a powerful tool to investigate the dynamical evolution of stellar systems such as star clusters and galaxies. I will show my recent works on 1. the formation of star clusters and 2. the dynamical evolution of galactic disks. For star cluster simulations, we developed a new method to construct initial conditions which resemble observed star forming regions. Using this method, we show the formation processes of observed star clusters and associations. For disk galaxies, we performed a numerical survey of stellar disks with a wide range of parameters. Our simulations were preformed with the largest number of particles using GPU clusters. We found that swing amplification describes the formation of spiral arms and bars of galactic disks.
New constraint on gravity theory at z~1.4 from the Subaru FMOS galaxy redshift survey (FastSound)
奥村哲平 (東京大学(Kavli IPMU))
I will present a cosmological result obtained from a spectroscopic sample of ~2800 emission line galaxies from the FastSound survey. The survey, which uses the Subaru Telescope and covers the redshift ranges of 1.19 Rotation curve of M33 explained by dark matter disc We developed a numerical method to compute the gravitational field of an infinitely-thin axisymmetric disc with an arbitrary profile of the surface mass density. We evaluate the gravitational potential by a split quadrature using the double exponential rule and obtain the acceleration vector by numerically differentiating the potential by Ridder’s algorithm. The new method is of around 12 digit accuracy and sufficiently fast because requiring only one-dimensional integration. By using the new method, we show the rotation curve of some non-trivial discs: (i) truncated power-law discs, (ii) discs with a non-negligible center hole, (iii) truncated Mestel discs with edge-softening, (iv) double power-law discs, (v) exponentially-damped power-law discs, and (vi) an exponential disc with a sinusoidal modulation of the density profile. Also, we present a couple of model fittings to the observed rotation curve of M33: (i) the standard deconvolution by assuming a spherical distribution of the dark matter and (ii) a direct fit of infinitely-thin disc mass with a double power-law distribution of the surface mass density. Although the number of free parameters is a little larger, the latter model provides a significantly better fit. The determined profile of the surface mass density of the disc is significantly larger than those of the observed stars and gas. This hints a disc-like distribution of the dark matter. Fast Radio Transients with MeerKAT Extreme astrophysical phenomena, such as relativistic flows, cataclysmicexplosions and all types of accretion onto black holes, are a key area for astrophysics in the 21st century. The extremes of physics, density, temperature, pressure, velocity, gravitational and magnetic fields experienced in these environments are beyond anything achievable experimentally on Earth, and provide a unique glimpse of the laws of physics operating in extraordinary regimes. Nearly all such phenomena are associated with transient radio emission, a tracer of the acceleration of particles to relativistic energies by their interaction with the local magnetic field. However, in order to probe the dynamic radio sky, we have thus far relied on 1.) biased triggers from instruments at other wavelengths, and 2.) archival searches of data, obviating the possibility of multi-wavelength follow-up and classification to resolve the inevitable ambiguities. MeerKAT, which will be the world’s most sensitive radio telescope once science operations begin at the end of next year, enables an unrivalled view of the deep radio sky. Yet it will also push the boundaries of transient searches in both temporal resolution (cadence of images) and completeness (time-on-sky); in this talk, I will discuss my own project, the fast imaging system for MeerKAT, which will detect transient radio emission in real-time, and will operate commensally with all other science observations, allowing MeerKAT to be unprecedentedly sensitive to extreme phenomena. Formation and Compositions of Planet Interiors and Atmospheres: Discoveries from Kepler, K2, and Beyond. I will give an overview of the current state of exoplanet astronomy, highlighting some of the major achievements of the recently completed Kepler mission. Today, K2 is building upon that rich legacy by surveying 14x more sky than Kepler, casting a wide net for planets around nearby bright stars that are more amenable to precise characterization. I will present some of my group’s latest K2 efforts, including a program to study sub-Saturns: a mysterious class of planets between Neptune and Saturn size, not present in our Solar System. These planets have mean densities ranging from 2.0 g/cc (concrete) to 0.05 g/cc (Styrofoam) and offer an intriguing window into the processes that form and sculpt planetary systems. Near-Infrared Linear and Circular Polarimetry in Star Forming Regions Polarimetry is a unique tool for studying the physical processes in the interstellar medium, including star-forming regions. However, it has been much less explored than conventional photometry and spectroscopy. Infrared polarimetry provides very valuable information about the distribution of matter of young stellar objects and the configuration of magnetic fields within molecular clouds. Compared with linear polarization (LP), only a few near-infrared circular polarization (CP) observations were reported so far (before our survey). I have conducted a first systematic polarization survey of star forming regions in both LP and CP. In this presentation, I present our investigation for roles of magnetic fields in cluster formation using linear polarimetry as well as new information of magnetic and scattering fields obtained by the circular polarimetry survey. Asteroseismic detection of planets and other companions to intermediate-mass stars The Kepler Space Telescope has revolutionised the fields of exoplanet detection and asteroseismology. With over 1000 confirmed planets and thousands more planet candidates, it is now the most successful planet-finding mission to date. But its entire planet tally has been found via transits, or perturbations to the timing of those transits. Only a small fraction of all planets may be observed to transit their host star. Further, the transit probability falls off rapidly with increasing orbital period. The second most successful method for finding planets is the radial velocity method, which does not require transits but also has a detection rate that decreases with orbital period. In this talk, I present a new method of finding planets and other companions. The method utilises asteroseismic data from the Kepler Mission, namely the phases of stellar oscillations, to detect changes in the path length between Earth and the observed star due to motion in a binary system. I will show how the sensitivity of the method increases with orbital period, which allows the detection of planetary companions that have orbital periods on the order of 1000 d. The companions detected with this method include planets, brown dwarfs, main-sequence stars with masses between 0.1 and 2.5 Msun, and possible compact objects such as neutron stars and black holes. Statistically robust distributions of eccentricity with orbital period are also discussed. 第1581回 2016年2月16日(火)
福島登志夫 (国立天文台) 第1582回 2016年2月23日(火)
Richard Armstrong (Univ. Oxford/Univ. Cape Town) 第1583回 2016年3月9日(水)
Erik Petigura (Hubble Fellow/Caltech) 第1584回 2016年3月22日(火)
Kwon Jungmi (天文学教室) 第1585回 2016年3月29日(火)
Simon Murphy (天文学教室)