- 理学系研究科のお知らせのページは(news of school of science)こちら
集中講義履修届 (履修登録期間内に登録できない場合)
2024 Autumn (2024年度Aセメスター)
Style of Class in A semester 2024
Classes of A semester 2024 in the Department of Astronomy is conducted in face-to-face class in principle.
Please check on UTAS for more information.
観測天文学特別講義Ⅵ/Observational Astronomy, Advanced Course Ⅵ(Michael Richmond 特任教授 / Project Prof. Michael Richmond)(1単位)
観測天文学特別講義Ⅶ/Observational Astronomy, Advanced Course Ⅶ(Jeong-Eun Lee教授 / Prof. Jeong-Eun Lee)(1単位)
理論天文学特別講義Ⅵ/Theoretical Astronomy, Advanced course Ⅵ(岡本 崇 教授 / Prof. OKAMOTO Takashi)(1単位)
理論天文学特別講義Ⅶ/Theoretical Astronomy, Advanced course Ⅶ(郡 和範教授 / Prof. KOORI Kazunori)(1単位)
2024 Summer (2024年度Sセメスター)
Style of Class in S semester 2024
Classes of S semester 2024 in the Department of Astronomy is conducted in face-to-face class in principle.
Please check on UTAS for more information.
集中講義/intensive course 電波天文学特論Ⅱ/Radio Astronomy, Advanced Course II(奥田武志准教授/Prof.OKUDA Takeshi)(2単位)
- 科目番号:35604-0027
- 6月12日(水)2限~5限
- 6月14日(金)2限~4限
- 6月19日(水)2限~5限
- 6月21日(金)2限~4限
- 場所:理学部1号館中央棟10階1043室
- 授業の目標、概要/Course Objectives/ Overview : The objective of this lecture is to gain basic knowledge of radio astronomical observations by understanding not only radio telescopes and radio astronomical instruments but also observing systems and observational methods of radio single dish telescopes and radio interferometers. In addition, we understand how to derive various physical quantities of astronomical objects from information acquired by observations and learn about research methods of ration astronomy. Finally, recent projects of radio telescopes and radio interferometers will be introduced.
2023 Autumn (2023年度Aセメスター)
Style of Class in A semester 2023
Classes of A semester 2023 in the Department of Astronomy is conducted in face-to-face class in principle.
Please check on UTAS for more information.
Or announcements could be informed by email. Also, the style of class could be changed in the middle of the semester
depending on the situation, so please check the updates by ITC-LMS and by announcements from department office, etc.
If you need to take online classes due to underlying medical conditions,
please consult with the teachers in charge of the classes you wish to attend.
集中講義/intensive course 理論天文学特別講義V/Theoretical Astronomy, Advanced Course V(樫山和己非常勤講師/Prof.KASHIYAMA Kazumi)(1単位)
- 科目番号:35604-1015
- 11月15日(水)2限~3限(東棟3階380室)、5限(中央棟10階1042/1043室)
- 11月16日(木)2限、4限~5限(東棟3階380室)
- 11月17日(金)2限~3限、5限(中央棟10階1042/1043室)
- 講義題目/Subtitle : マルチメッセンジャー時間領域天文学で解くコンパクト天体形成/Unveiling Compact Object Formation with Multi-Messenger Time Domain Astronomy
- 授業の目標、概要/Course Objectives/ Overview :中性子星やブラックホール,白色矮星などのコンパクト天体は主に星コアの重力崩壊と連星の合体の最中に生まれ,大きな重力エネルギーを瞬時に解放する.どのような親星からどのようなコンパクト天体がいつどこでどのような爆発現象を伴って生まれるのか?時間領域天文学,マルチメッセンジャー天文学が急速に発展する中,コンパクト天体形成史のミッシングリンクが次々と埋まり,一方で新たな謎が次々と発掘されている.主に超新星,Gamma-Ray Burst,Fast Radio Burstに関して,理論、観測の基礎から出発して研究の最前線までを概観、今後解くべき問題を考察する.
Compact objects such as neutron stars, black holes, and white dwarfs are mainly born during the gravitational collapse of stellar cores and binary mergers, promptly releasing large amounts of gravitational energy. What kind of compact objects are born from what kind of progenitor systems, when, where, and with what kind of explosive phenomena? With the rapid development of time-domain astronomy and multi-messenger astronomy, the missing links in the formation of compact objects are being filled, while new mysteries are being uncovered. In this lecture, I will mainly review the theoretical and observational foundations of supernovae, Gamma-Ray Bursts, and Fast Radio Bursts, as well as the frontiers of research, and discuss the problems to be solved in the future.
集中講義/intensive course 理論天文学特別講義Ⅹ/Theoretical Astronomy, Advanced Course X(千葉柾司非常勤講師/Prof.CHIBA Masashi)(1単位)
- 科目番号:35604-1020
- 12月13日(水)2限~3限(東棟3階380室)
- 12月14日(木)2限~4限(東棟3階380室)
- 12月15日(金)2限~3限(中央棟3階340室)
- 講義題目/Subtitle : 近傍宇宙論:近傍銀河宇宙から探る銀河形成史とダークマター
Near-field Cosmology: deciphering galaxy formation and dark matter in the local universe
- 授業の目標、概要/Course Objectives/ Overview :銀河系や近傍にある銀河は、遠方銀河と違って恒星に分離できるので、恒星の進化理論に基づいて銀河の歴史を調べることができる。本講義では、恒星系の化学動力学の基礎理論に基づいて銀河・銀河集団の構造形成について論ずる。
The Milky Way and other local galaxies provide us with invaluable insights into galaxy formation through their resolved stars. In this lecture, I present the recent progress in our understanding of galactic structure formation based on the theory of chemical and dynamical evolution of stars.
2023 Summer (2023年度Sセメスター)
Style of Class in S semester 2023
Classes of S semester 2023 in the Department of Astronomy is conducted in face-to-face class in principle.
Please check on UTAS for more information.
Or announcements could be informed by email. Also, the style of class could be changed in the middle of the semester
depending on the situation, so please check the updates by ITC-LMS and by announcements from department office, etc.
If you need to take online classes due to underlying medical conditions,
please consult with the teachers in charge of the classes you wish to attend.
集中講義/intensive course 観測天文学特別講義IV/Observational Astronomy, Advanced Course IV(遠藤光非常勤講師/Prof.ENDO Akira)(1単位)
- 科目番号:35604-1004
- 7月19日(水)2限~4限(中央棟3階341室)
- 7月20日(木)2限(東棟3階380室)、4限(中央棟3階341室)
- 7月21日(金)2限~3限(中央棟3階341室)
- 講義題目/Subtitle :Astronomical Instrumentation with Superconducting Detectors
- 授業の目標、概要/Course Objectives/ Overview :Superconducting detectors are rapidly advancing in terms of sensitivity and pixel count, and have become indispensable for the millimeter-submillimeter band in which the CMB and interstellar matter are observed. The large room for further improvement makes superconducting detectors the only realistic candidate for meeting the challenging requirements of future observatories on ground with large aperture diameters and fields of view, as well as space observatories that aim for extreme sensitivity. Furthermore, the proximity of superconducting gap energies and mm-submm wave photons allow superconducting circuits to replace traditional functionalities of optics with on-chip circuit elements, such as reception, transmission, amplification, spectroscopy, interference. The integration opens infinite possibilities for compact, high-performance astronomical instruments for future astronomical observations.
In this course you will learn about the underlying principles and applications of superconducting astronomical detectors. We will mainly focus on millimeter-submillimeter wave microwave kinetic inductance detectors, but the principle you will learn will be applicable to superconducting detectors in general.
集中講義/intensive course 観測天文学特別講義V/Observational Astronomy, Advanced Course V(牧島一夫 非常勤講師/Prof.MAKISHIMA Kazuo)(1単位)
- 科目番号:35604-1005
- 4月11日(火)2限
- 4月25日(火)2限
- 5月 9日(火)2限
- 5月23日(火)2限
- 6月 6日(火)2限
- 6月20日(火)2限
- 7月 4日(火)2限
- 場所:理学部1号館中央棟10階1042・1043室
- 授業の目標、概要/Course Objectives/ Overview :Mainly based on X-ray observations, several novel topics in high-energy astronomy will be presented. This will give a training on the construction of viewpoints that are not affected by popular/current trends. For that purpose, what is important is to make deep and open-minded dialogues with experimental/observational data, and always retun to basic physics.
2022 Autumn (2022年度Aセメスター)
Style of Class in A semester 2022
Classes of A semester 2022 in the Department of Astronomy is conducted in face-to-face class in principle.
Please check on UTAS for more information.
Or announcements could be informed by email. Also, the style of class could be changed in the middle of the semester
depending on the situation, so please check the updates by ITC-LMS and by announcements from department office, etc.
If you need to take online classes due to the circumstances with difficulty in getting to Japan or due to underlying medical conditions,
please consult with the teachers in charge of the classes you wish to attend.
集中講義/intensive course 理論天文学特別講義IX/Theoretical Astronomy, Advanced Course IX(DEBATTISTA Victor教授/Prof.DEBATTISTA Victor)(1単位)
- 科目番号:35604-1019
- 11月 4日(金)3限
- 11月 9日(水)3限
- 11月11日(金)3限
- 11月16日(水)3限
- 11月18日(金)3限
- 11月25日(金)3限
- 11月30日(水)3限
- 場所:理学部1号館中央棟10階1042・1043室
- 講義題目/Subtitle :Barred galaxies
- 授業の目標、概要/Course Objectives/ Overview :Barred galaxies are major drivers of secular evolution in disk galaxies. Understanding them is therefore vital for understanding how disks evolve. Moreover the Milky Way is barred and understanding large swathes of data from the Gaia satellite will not be possible without a clear understanding of its bar and the dynamics of bars. This lecture series will introduce students to barred galaxies, their dynamics, observational properties, and evolution, as well as their effects on the supermassive black holes, bulges, disks, halos, etc. The course will include Python exercises using N-body simulations to understand various aspects of barred galaxies.
Twice per week (Wednesday and Friday), including 1 session for computing lab and 0.5 session for results presentations.
Bring your laptop with Python installed.
集中講義/intensive course 観測天文学特別講義III/Observational Astronomy, Advanced Course III(秋山正幸非常勤講師/Prof.AKIYAMA Masayuki)(1単位)
- 科目番号:35604-1003
- 1月11日(水)3限~5限(中央棟10階1042・1043室)
- 1月12日(木)2限(中央棟10階1042・1043室)、4限(東棟2階287室)
- 1月13日(水)2限~3限(中央棟10階1042・1043室)
- 講義題目/Subtitle :Observational and theoretical understanding on cosmological evolution of super massive black holes and galaxies
- 授業の目標、概要/Course Objectives/ Overview :In this lecture, observational and theoretical understandings of cosmological evolution of galaxies and super massive black holes are introduced. The tight relation between the mass of spheroidal component of galaxies and their central super massive black holes implies physical interplay in the formation process of the two component, however the physical mechanism of the co-evolution is not defined yet. Furthermore, the origin of the super massive
black holes is still an unsolved problem. Starting from a general introduction of properties of galaxies and active galactic nuclei, their cosmological evolution is discussed. In the final part, current understanding of their growth in the early universe is summarized.
集中講義/intensive course 理論天文学特別講義IV/Theoretical Astronomy, Advanced Course IV(矢島秀伸非常勤講師/Prof.YAJIMA Hedenobu)(1単位)
- 科目番号:35604-1014
- 1月18日(水)3限~5限(中央棟10階1042・1043室)
- 1月19日(木)4限(東棟2階287室)、5限(中央棟10階1042・1043室)
- 1月20日(水)2限~3限(中央棟10階1042・1043室)
- 講義題目/Subtitle :宇宙の構造形成と銀河進化 / Structure Formation and Galaxy Evolution in the Universe
- 授業の目標、概要/Course Objectives/ Overview :現在の標準的な宇宙論に基づいた大規模構造の形成について学とともに、密度ピークにおける銀河の形成と進化についても学習を行う。そして、銀河内のバリオン物理について学び、大規模構造から銀河、そして星形成へと繋がる宇宙の階層構造について理解を深める。また、銀河観測データと銀河内の物理状態の関係を繋げる輻射輸送過程についても学習する。
The students will learn the formation of large-scale structures based on the standard cosmology, as well as the formation and evolution of galaxies. The students will also learn about baryon physics in galaxies, which will deepen our understanding of the hierarchical structure of the universe from large-scale structure to galaxies and stars. The students will study the radiative transfer in a galaxy that connect galaxy observations to understanding physical properties of galaxies.
2022 Summer (2022年度Sセメスター)
Style of Class in S semester 2022
Classes of S semester 2022 in the Department of Astronomy is conducted in face-to-face class in principle.
Please check on UTAS for more information.
Or announcements could be informed by email. Also, the style of class could be changed in the middle of the semester
depending on the situation, so please check the updates by ITC-LMS and by announcements from department office, etc.
If you need to take online classes due to the circumstances with difficulty in getting to Japan or due to underlying medical conditions,
please consult with the teachers in charge of the classes you wish to attend.
集中講義/intensive course 理論天文学特別講義III/Theoretical Astronomy, Advanced Course III(細川隆史非常勤講師/Prof.HOSOKAWA Takashi)(1単位)(日程変更)
- 科目番号:35604-1013
- 7月27日(水)2限~4限
- 7月28日(木)2限、4限
- 7月29日(金)2限~3限
- 場所:理学部1号館中央棟10階1042・1043室
- 講義題目/Subtitle :High-mass star formation across the cosmic time
- 授業の目標、概要/Course Objectives/ Overview :High-mass stars more massive than ~10 Msun have shaped cosmic history through various channels. I review the physics and current understanding of the formation of such high-mass stars and their feedback on surrounding environments, including the present-day universe, early universe, and the epochs in between.
集中講義/intensive course 理論天文学特別講義II/Theoretical Astronomy, Advanced Course II(冨永望非常勤講師/Prof.TOMINAGA Nozomu)(1単位)(日程変更)
- 科目番号:35604-1012
- 6月27日(月)3限~5限
- 7月 4日(月)3限~4限
- 7月11日(月)3限~5限
- 場所:理学部1号館東棟2階287室
- 講義題目/Subtitle :Supernova explosions and origin of elements
- 授業の目標、概要/Course Objectives/ Overview :Supernova explosions are the origin of elements heavier than carbon and the driver of chemical evolution in the Universe.They are also know as one of the brightest object in the Universe.This lecture reviews supernova nucleosynthesis, supernova explosions, and origin of elements.Outlooks are also outlined.
集中講義/intensive course 電波天文学特論I/Radio Astronomy, Advanced Course I(阪本成一教授/Prof.SAKAMOTO Seiichi)(2単位)
- 科目番号:35604-0026
- 6月17日(金)1限~2限(中央棟10階1042・1043室)、3限(東棟2階287室)
- 6月21日(火)1限~2限(中央棟10階1042・1043室)
- 6月22日(水)3限~5限(東棟2階287室)
- 6月23日(木)1限、4限~5限(中央棟10階1042・1043室)
- 6月24日(金)1限~2限(中央棟10階1042・1043室)、3限(東棟2階287室)
- 講義題目/Subtitle :電波天文観測に基づいた星間物質の研究/Interstellar physics based on observations of radio waves
- 授業の目標、概要/Course Objectives/ Overview :電波天文観測に基づいた星間物質の研究を中心に、大型プロジェクトの推進に関わる話題にも触れる。
2021 Autumn (2021年度Aセメスター)
Each class in Department of Astronomy 2021 A semester will be held by Online, Hybrid, or Face-to face. So please check details for class information by ITC-LMS and UTAS, and also please note that they could be informed by email based on the situation. In addition, because the way of lecture style could be changed during the semester, please be sure to pay attention to the updated(latest) information with ITC-LMS and announcement from our department.
集中講義/intensive course 観測天文学特別講義Ⅱ/Observational Astronomy, Advanced Course II(池田思朗非常勤講師/Prof.Shiro IKEDA)(1単位)
- 科目番号:35604-1002
- 11月24日(水)1限~2限
- 11月25日(木)3限~5限
- 11月26日(金)1限~2限
- 場所:理学部1号館中央棟10F 1042・1043室(ハイブリッド)
- 講義題目/Subtitle :これからの天文学のためのデータ科学/Data science for the future of astronomy
- 授業の目標、概要/Course Objectives/ Overview :The fields of machine learning and artificial intelligence have developed significantly in recent years and have attracted attention following the success of deep learning. The fields of data processing, which includes the above fields, statistics, optimisation theory, signal processing, are now called data science. In astronomy, future observations will provide data with different quantity and quality, thus, new methods of information processing are required. Therefore, data science will become undoubtedly important. Furthermore, since astronomy tries to infer a lot of information from limited observations, it is necessary not only to import data science methods but also to modify methods for your own goal. Through lectures, I would like to show examples of data science methods in astronomy and the basic idea of data science.
集中講義/intensive course 理論天文学特別講義Ⅰ/Theoretical Astronomy, Advanced Course I(犬塚修一郎非常勤講師/Prof.Shu-ichiro INUTSUKA)(1単位)
- 科目番号:35604-1011
- 11月10日(水)3限~5限
- 11月17日(水)3限~5限
- 11月24日(水)3限~5限
- 12月1日(水)予備日
- 場所:オンライン
- 講義題目/Subtitle :星形成過程の物理/The Physics of Star Formation
- 授業の目標、概要/Course Objectives/ Overview :I review the current understanding of the formation of molecular clouds, protostars, and protoplanetary disks. I also link the physics of star formation to the subsequent planet formation processes. Possible further development on these subjects will also be outlined.
2021 Summer (2021年度Sセメスター)
Each class in Department of Astronomy 2021 S semester will be held by Online, Hybrid, or Face-to face. So please check details for class information by ITC-LMS and UTAS, and also please note that they could be informed by email based on the situation. In addition, because the way of lecture style could be changed during the semester, please be sure to pay attention to the updated(latest) information with ITC-LMS and announcement from our department.
2020 Autumn (2020年度Aセメスター)
2020 Summer (2020年度Sセメスター)
2019 Autumn (2019年度Aセメスター)
35603-0115 重力波物理学 (担当:Raffaele FLAMINIO 特任教授/Kipp Cannon 准教授)
35604-0057 系外惑星特論Ⅱ (担当:田村元秀教授/須藤靖教授)
集中講義(intensive course) 観測天文学特別講義Ⅰ(吉田滋非常勤講師)(1単位)
- 科目番号:35604-1001
- 11月27日(水)2限~3限
- 11月28日(木)1限~5限
- 場所:理学部1号館中央棟10F 1043号室
2019 Summer (2019年度Sセメスター)
集中講義(intensive course) 理論天文学特別講義Ⅶ(田中雅臣非常勤講師)(1単位)
- 科目番号:35604-1017
- 5月8日(水)2限~4限
- 5月9日(木)3限、4限
- 5月10日(金)3限、4限
- 場所:理学部1号館中央棟10F 1043号室
集中講義(intensive course) 理論天文学特別講義Ⅷ(石橋和貴子非常勤講師)(1単位)
- 科目番号:35604-1018
- 5月15日(水)2限
- 5月22日(水)2限
- 5月29日(水)2限
- 6月5日(水)2限
- 6月12日(水)2限
- 6月19日(水)2限
- 6月26日(水)2限
- 場所:理学部1号館中央棟10F 1043号室
集中講義(intensive course) 電波天文学特論Ⅱ(奥田武志准教授)
- 科目番号:35604-0027
- 7月17日(水)2限~5限
- 7月18日(木)1限~5限
- 7月19日(金)1限~4限
- 場所:理学部1号館中央棟10F 1043号室
2018 Autumn (平成30年度Aセメスター)
35604-0056 系外惑星特論Ⅰ (担当:相川祐理教授/須藤靖教授)
集中講義(intensive course) 光赤外線天文学特論Ⅲ(高遠徳尚准教授)
提出時のメールの件名は “Report_UTokyo_Astro2018” とすること
The subject of the e-mail for submitting your report shoud be “Report_UTokyo_Astro2018”
- 科目番号:35604-0013
- 1月8日(火)3限~5限
- 1月9日(水)1限、2限、5限
- 1月10日(木)2限~5限
- 1月11日(金)2限~4限
- 場所:理学部1号館中央棟10F 1043号室
35603-0115 重力波物理学 (担当:Raffaele FLAMINIO 特任教授/Kipp Cannon 准教授)
集中講義(intensive course) 電波天文学特論Ⅴ(大橋永芳教授)
- 科目番号:35604-0030
- 12月18日(火)3限~5限
- 12月19日(水)1限、2限
- 12月20日(木)1限~4限
- 12月21日(金)1限~4限
- 場所:理学部1号館中央棟10F 1043号室
2018 Summer (平成30年度Sセメスター)
35604-0044 星間物理学特論Ⅳ Interstellar Physics, Advanced Course Ⅳ (坪井昌人教授)
集中講義(intensive courses) 理論天文学特別講義Ⅵ(Michael FAMIANO 非常勤講師)(1単位)
- 科目番号:35604-1016
- 5月16日(水) 2限、4限、5限
- 5月17日(木) 1限~4限
- 場所:理学部1号館中央棟10F 1043号室
2017 Autumn (平成29年度Aセメスター)
35604-0024 太陽物理学特論Ⅳ Solar Physics, Advanced Course Ⅳ (坂尾太郎准教授)
集中講義(intensive courses) 観測天文学特別講義Ⅹ(Alan Tokunaga 特任教授)(1単位)
35604-0033 銀河天文学特論Ⅲ Galactic Astronomy, Advanced Course Ⅲ (土居 守教授)
35603-0115 重力波物理学 (担当:Raffaele FLAMINIO 特任教授/Kipp Cannon 准教授)
特別講義(単位無し) 恒星進化論講義案内 Evolution of stars and their fates as supernovae (担当:Prof. Norbert Langer (University of Bonn))
- 9月27日(水) 2限~4限(10時25分~16時40分)
- 9月28日(木) 2限~4限(10時25分~16時40分)
- 場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス理学部一号館中央棟10F 1043号室
- 9月27日と28日にボン大学のNorbert Langerフンボルト教授に恒星進化論から超新星や大質量ブラックホール連星の親星などについて講義して頂きます。
(大学院生、または学部4年の恒星進化論を履修済みの学部生は内容が理解できると思います。)Evolution of stars and their fates as supernovaeWe will introduce basic concepts in the theories of stellar structure and evolution, with an emphasis on new developments in particular for our understanding of massive stars. We will derive consequences for the interpretation of recently identified classes of supernovae and gravitational wave measurements.※単位や履修登録無しの自由参加です。貴重な機会ですので、皆様ぜひ起こし下さい。
集中講義(intensive courses) 理論天文学特別講義Ⅲ(長峯 健太郎 教授)(1単位)
- 科目番号:35604-1013
- 科目名 :(理論天文学特別講義III )長峯 健太郎
- 講義科目:宇宙論と構造形成(Cosmology and Structure Formation in the Universe)
- 1月11日(木) 13:00 – 14:45, 14:55 – 16:40
- 1月18日(木) 13:00 – 14:45, 14:55 – 16:40, 16:50 – 18:35
- 1月19日(金) 10:25 – 12:10, 13:00 – 14:45
2017 Summer (平成29年度Sセメスター)
35604-0026 電波天文学特論Ⅰ (小林秀行)
- レポート課題
- 締切日:8月31日(もし早めに単位が必要な方は小林先生に相談してください。)
必修科目「研究倫理」 Research Ethics
- 開講日程一覧(PDF)
- 天文学専攻:7月14日(3~4限、梅田秀之教授) 講義室:1042講義室
- Lecture in English (1) July 20 (Thu), 13:00-17:30 (at Chemistry Bldg. 3F Lecture Room)
- Lecture in English (2) January 29 (Mon), 13:00-17:30 (at Chemistry Bldg. 3F Lecture Room)
- 講義資料①,講義資料②
- 今年度の『研究倫理』講義については、UT-mateシラバス『授業計画』欄にも記載の通り、講義に先立ち以下の2つの文書を熟読してくるようお願い致します。→事前履修
35604-0042 星間物理学特論II Interstellar Physics, Advanced Course II (尾中敬 Takashi Onaka)
追加講義(intensive courses)
集中講義(intensive courses) 観測天文学特別講義Ⅷ(JOHNS、Matthew W)
- Announcement 開講日—4月14日(金)、21日(金)、28日(金)
- Apr 14 (Fri) — Slides-PDF 【1a】、【1b】、【2】
- Apr 21 (Fri) — Slides-PDF 【3】、【4】
- 【Session3 Exercise】 — uncompress the zip file and you’ll get an xlsx file which is to be filled in and sent to the lecturer.
- Apr 28 (Fri) — Slides-PDF 【5】
集中講義(intensive courses) 系外惑星特論-II-(田村他)2017
- 開講案内 — 開講日が一部変更になりました。詳しくは左のファイルを確認してください。
集中講義(intensive courses) ニュートリノ宇宙物理学(Yamac Deliduman 教授)
- 科目番号:35604-1014
- 科目名 :理論天文学特別講義IV (Theoretical Astronomy, Advanced Course IV)
- 7月5日(水) 10:30 – 12:00, 13:00 – 14:30, 15:00 – 16:30
- 7月6日(木) 10:30 – 12:00, 13:00 – 14:30, 15:00 – 16:30
- 7月7日(金) 10:30 – 12:00, 13:00 – 14:30
- なお、講義に先んじて、7月4日(火) 16:00 – 17:00 に行われる
集中講義(intensive courses) 重力理論と素粒子的宇宙(Cemsinan Deliduman 教授)
- 科目番号:35604-1015
- 科目名 :理論天文学特別講義V (Theoretical Astronomy, Advanced Course V)
- 講義科目:Particle Cosmology and Modern Gravity
- 7月19日(水) 10:30 – 12:00, 13:00 – 14:30, 15:00 – 16:30
- 7月20日(木) 10:30 – 12:00, 13:00 – 14:30, 15:00 – 16:30
- 7月21日(金) 10:30 – 12:00, 13:00 – 14:30
- なお、講義に先んじて、7月18日(火) 16:00 – 17:00 に行われる